Regulatory & Compliance

We are committed to ethical business conduct, and expect our stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, contractors, distributors, agents and others to observe the same commitment.
In conducting business, stakeholders are expected to be aware of, and to follow, the requirements of the ABHI Code of Business Practice, whilst observing national laws relating to business practice, as relevant and required.
In the event that there is evidence that a breach of this undertaking has occurred then substantiated evidence of such a breach should be submitted in writing without delay for the attention of the Chief Executive Officer at the Registered Office address.
Summit Medical Group is committed to the highest levels of ethical business practice, and, although not directly required to comply with the requirements of Section 54, Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, we recognise that as a socially-responsible organisation, we must contribute to the eradication of slavery throughout our product manufacturing and supply chain.
Summit Medical Group designs, manufactures and supplies medical devices and healthcare products to healthcare institutions in over 30 countries. Summit Medical utilises key suppliers in the UK and other countries, to provide materials, components, assemblies, products and services, which contribute to the Summit Medical range of products.
Inside our business
As a responsible and ethical employer, we have rigorous HR procedures, policies and guidelines, which ensure that staff employed by or contracted to Summit Medical Group are protected from exploitation of any kind. A culture of openness and a coherent set of corporate values support this approach, together with an ongoing commitment to ensure awareness and a commitment to ethical business practices.
In our supply chain
We build long-term relationships with our key suppliers, based upon transparency, collaboration and open communication, and regularly review our key suppliers for compliance to the Summit Medical requirements, including cultural and ethical fit to the Summit Medical policies. As suppliers to a highly regulated industry, such stakeholders are already required to reach a high level of compliance, and to submit to independent audit and assessment. Summit Medical undertakes review of all key suppliers to the organisation based on an assessment of the risk of non-compliance to the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act and general compliance to ethical business protocols.
Where we identify areas of risk, these will be investigated appropriately and relevant corrective action implemented in accordance with the requirements of our quality management system.
These statements have been approved by the Board.
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